Publice notice - Quotation request - baseline measurement IAB

 Quotation request -  baseline measurement IAB


The BES establishments and activities Decree (IAB BES) is an order in council based on the BES public housing, spatial planning and environmental management Act (Wet vrom BES). This Act contains the obligation to draw up environmental rules for companies by or pursuant to an order in council. The IAB BES fulfils this obligation and contains rules for the protection of the environment in the Caribbean Netherlands. The IAB BES also offers the island governments room to develop local environmental regulations in an island ordinance. The IAB will enter into force on January 1st, 2022.

All business activities on St. Eustatius will be covered by this decree. The IAB will impose requirements on the business community and may require an investment. This can be in the form of installing a liquid-tight floor, provisions for waste water or taking measures to increase safety. A so-called baseline measurement is needed to map the current level of protection of the companies and to see which facilities can reasonably be required of the companies.

Objective and results to be achieved

Objective: Carrying out the IAB baseline measurement with a focus on the environmental protection level at all companies that fall under category 2 of the IAB. The study must clarify what the costs are for companies to comply with the requirements of the IAB. For the purpose of this study, the Licenses, Supervision and Enforcement Unit has drawn up a list of companies.


A research report (in English) in which:

  • the current level of facilities (facilities for the protection of the environment) of the business community has been determined
  • the level of ambition that must be considered achievable for the companies
  • the basic protection level that can be included in the island ordinance
  • the costs for businesses to be able to comply with the level of protection
  • proposal for the period within which the companies must comply with IAB

The visits to the companies must be recorded in the “Digital Checklists” system. Digital checklists form part of the research report.

Per visit should be recorded:

  • Company name and location
  • Available facilities
  • Operation of facilities


June 2021: Deadline within which the investigation must be started. This should take into account a possible quarantine in connection with Covid-19.

July 15, 2021: Final date for submission of research report.

Estimate stake

Approximately 4 weeks during 5 days a week.

The researcher aims to visit all companies. If it turns out in practice that this is not feasible, the aim is to have a sample per category.

Conditions for research

The client provides access to the Digital checklists system (possibly adapted for this project). This applies to both the researcher and the counterpart on site. The on-site counterpart (environmental inspector) ensures efficient planning of the visits based on the shortest possible travel times and certain categorization. The client ensures the full availability of the counterpart on site during the investigation

Knowledge and experience of researcher

The consultant / researcher is expected to:

  • have knowledge of the VROM BES Act
  • have knowledge of the concept of Establishments and activities decree
  • have knowledge and experience with General Rules for companies
  • have experience in conducting company visits (as an environmental supervisor)
  • have experience in training inspectors
  • have knowledge of the Digital Checklists system
  • sensitive to its surrounding

For questions, please contact: Rob Kramers, Knowledge Centre InfoMil, Rijkswaterstaat Directorate for the Environment:

Please submit your quotation at the latest: May 21, 2021 at 12 noon via: