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  1. Uitvoeringsrapportage Q1 2024 Januari tot en met Maart 2024_

    Publication | 20-06-2024

  2. Acknowledgment 1e Uitvoeringsrapportage 2024 en Adapt 1e begrotingswijziging 2024.

    We propose the approval of the first implementation report for 2024 and the first budget amendment for the same year incl ...

    Publication | 20-06-2024

  3. Island Council Meeting Thursday 13 June 2024

    Residents of Statia are invited to the public meeting of the Island Council, in accordance with the Island Council rules of ...

    Publication | 19-06-2024

  4. Revised presentation 1st quaterly implementation report 2024

    Publication | 17-06-2024

  5. Concerning 1st quarter report 2024 OLE and 1sr budget change 2024

    Publication | 17-06-2024

  6. Uitvoeringsrapportage Q1 2024 Januari tot en met Maart 2024

    Publication | 17-06-2024

  7. List of decisions and commitments - Central Committee meeting, 16th May 2024 V.A. Lopes Legislative Hall Government Guest House

    Publication | 17-06-2024

  8. List of incoming documents 49-62IC

    Publication | 17-06-2024

  9. Betreft : aanbiedingsbrief 1e UVR 2024 inclusief 1e begrotingswijziging 2024

    Publication | 17-06-2024

  10. College financieel toezicht Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba 2024

    Publication | 17-06-2024