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  1. Digital theory driving test starting 1 October 2024

    As of 1 October 2024, the new digital theory test service will be in place. To help you prepare for this transition we have ...

    Decree, order or decision | 09-09-2024

  2. Vacancy Unit Manager of social support ( vacancy is in dutch )

    De Unitmanager Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning (MO) stuurt de unit maatschappelijke ondersteuning aan. De Unit Maatschappelijk ...

    Publication | 14-08-2024

  3. Vacancy Harbour employee

    As a Harbor Employee you assist by mooring vessels and carrying out maintenance tasks. You also operate and maintain heavy ...

    Publication | 14-08-2024

  4. Vacancy Public Health Nurse/ SOA and HIV Coordinator.

    As a Public Health Nurse, you ensure that local public health policies can be implemented into practical and applicable plans. ...

    Publication | 14-08-2024

  5. Vacancy Economic Inspector

    As Inspector for economic permits and licenses you are tasked with ensuring that external parties comply with all relevant ...

    Publication | 14-08-2024

  6. Vacancy Administrative Support

    The Committee for the New Care Centre, a collaborative initiative of local healthcare organisations, the Statia government, and ...

    Publication | 14-08-2024

  7. Vacancy Public relations and protocol employee

    Do you have a passion for communicating publicly, creating content, providing valuable information via different platforms and a ...

    Publication | 23-07-2024

  8. Sailing in salt water

    Advancing the dutch caribbean reparations agenda and establishing an inter-island knowledge and expertise network on the slavery ...

    Media article | 18-07-2024

  9. Spatial development plan Sint Eustatius 2023

    De eilandsraad van Sint Eustatius gelezen het voorstel van het bestuurscollege gelet op artikel 7 van de Wet grondslagen ...

    Decree, order or decision | 17-07-2024

  10. Health Care Card Questions & Answers

    Publication | 04-07-2024